What are auctions?

The system of car sales at auctions in Japan has been operating for more than 60 years. In total, there are several dozen large sites that offer all interested buyers to participate in the auction all year round.

Only car dealership owners and exporters can participate in the auction. The organizers strictly evaluate the exhibited lots, carefully check their technical condition, carefully monitor the correctness of the accompanying documents.

A thorough examination of the car by the owners of the auction site, before it is put up for auction, guarantees the buyer up-to-date information about the condition of the car.

The information provided is completely reliable and is guaranteed by the reliable reputation of the auction. Any manipulation of the mileage meter readings is excluded here, for which criminal liability is provided.

When putting up for sale, it is also unacceptable to conceal the fact of getting into an accident, hiding breakdowns of nodes, systems, individual parts. The auction list of the lot records every scratch and dent on the hood, all other defects. This allows participants to have a complete picture when choosing the desired car.

For broken machines, special designations are always used so that you can immediately orient yourself and not spend a lot of time rereading all the information. Cars that are defective or intended for disassembly for spare parts are put up for sale at separate auctions.


Buying a car in the country where it is produced is always a winning option. Especially if we are talking about Japan, a country with high technical standards and service requirements.

The excellent condition of Japanese roads and the high level of automobile service create additional guarantees. Car owners are attentive to compliance with maintenance instructions, use original consumables and extremely gentle operation mode.

Turning to the services of Japanese auctions gives obvious advantages for motorists:

safety, guaranteed reliability and security of all operations;
reflection in the auction list of complete information about the condition of the car, its malfunctions, accidents;
reliability of mileage information, exclusion of the danger of encountering manipulations by unscrupulous sellers;
low cost with good technical condition of the car;
a large and daily updated selection;
proper execution of all necessary documents.

By purchasing a car at an auction in Japan and importing it into the country, the buyer becomes its first owner according to the vehicle passport. This gives advantages in the subsequent sale.